Joe Biden and Seamus Heaney

Since the publishing of my last book, “Awakening A Leader’s Soul: Learnings Through Immortal Poems,” scores of people have asked me the reasons why I decided to build a bridge between poetry and leadership. Two main reasons: I firmly believed then, as I do now, that...

Beware The Emptiness of Empathy

Have you heard the expression, “Help Kills?” No. Then let me tell you a story. A monkey was sitting on a tree at the edge of a river, preening and grooming himself, admiring his reflection in the sparkling waters flowing below. Suddenly, the monkey sees a fish. He...

My #1 Tip For Coping With Adversity

Recently, as part of a global summit, I was asked, “What’s your #1 tip for coping with adversity?” This is how I answered the question. My #1 tip for coping and overcoming adversity is provided by my favorite wisdom poem: Watch your thoughts, your thoughts become...

Juneteenth: Reflecting With Poems

Juneteenth is a celebration of hope, freedom, and emancipation. It should also be a time of reflection. A time to stop our busy worlds and express deep gratitude for the value and blessing of freedom – a priceless gift that many of us take for granted. A time to step...